Wednesday 30 November 2011

kau hilang kini menjelma :')

salam foe ol ma follower..muahhhcx ~~love u ol..nggeee~~rinie cer aku xad r hot mane..but bersangkut paut nan pasaan aku...still remember bout ma MR.SEMPOI??die hilang lik pas aku post cer pasal die at blog nie..aku epy die akn hilang..bila aku tgh ada prob kompom die akn muncul...nape cm tu ek??chemistry kiteorg kuat snad ke??emm..dh lame xcnctc die..last cnctc ak kol die time gaye haji ritu...n mlm td aku susah gler nk pk2 lik n selak2 diary aku..upe nye rinie busday MR.SEMPOI..untung nye la an..aku trus je wish busday die...subuh bru die rep "terima kasih sygs" aku cukup epy kott...butt die xkol pon even got free kol..nie td bru je die kol..epy seyy..lame xdgr sore n gelak die=.='' then tetibe die akp "ya..ingt xjnji time kite couple..yg abg jnji nk jage ya..kite nk couple nk x jd adk angkt abg??'' aku tersentap dgr die akp cm tu..xserasi??oke fine..ak ngaku..ak xperfect cm gf kau yg skunk:') xpe la..then ak akp "emm muleh je la..xad hal la" pdahal air mata aku dh menitis :') xpe sbr ya..lex2..chilll je la...then he give me a kiss u noe how i feel??terharu n epy gler...but he wanna me rep his kiss..ak terus blur tetibe..n aku akp "no kiss foe ma bro" automatik kau jd lalang an??xnk aku jd adk kau n kembali cm dulu..hurhh=.= aptb kau nie MR.SEMPOI..then..soklan yg ak xsangka die tnye muleh die tnye..nk thu pe?? "ya..sygs an abg x??" aku terpaku ft.terkedu ft. terdiam xthu nk jwb pe..n ak jwb "  mlas nk pk.agpon abg dh ad gf an?? ".n die akp " xpe nak pndam kan..abg pon leh pndam ya "..trus fone terputus..ending cm tu je...emmm....sury ma MR.SEMPOI.:')..aku syg an kau kau dh ad gf..ak xnk jd penghalang hubungan kau nan die...kau epy..aku pon epy :)## PERGILAHKAUBERSAMEDIE##

Sunday 27 November 2011


salam kanak2 pulak=='' oke fine~~hola ma ol follower..lame xkiss kowg..muahhcx !!hehe:Pberabad gase nye ak xupdate story at blog ak nie an??hahah...bkn pe xad idea la sygs~~eeeyucckkssss~~agpon spm an??ngee~~so..wt de story??hehe~~aku an ad story at kowg pasal alkisah atok n abg=='' but atok dh tenggelam..xthu ne hnyt..mklum la bnjir an??KESULITAN amat ak duk ngarut..oke diam..carry on~~unly abg FIRAS je rpat nan ak smpai him much..opsss~~hahaha:D rpt gler2 smpai td ad sowg mbr ak nie ROZI hahaha:D leh tnye... "firas tu abg kndg ya ke?'' ak bce trus ne leh ak ame abg FIRAS real sibling??plik2..hahah!!then ak akp la at die..bkn la...ak nan slumber p cer at abg sygs ak abg FIRAS aww<3 gedikk:P then abg akp ""ye la..kite rpt snad org pon msti la wonder'' toi3 akp abg FIRAS kite rpt snad..asal walling mesti ada abg..ngee..pastu ak pon pe ag??wt statement at fb:D:D cian ROZI kne bhn..oke fine now die blas dndam request ak as grandmom die..aje celah..lyn an je la..pakan kau bwah ak..hahha:D:D~~epy3 like it la..huhu..xpnh epy cm i got 1 brother~~aww aww <3 so sweet :D:D:D:D:D i wish abg FIRAS n I will be closed forever~~:D:D u noe y??coz abg FIRAS sporting ame ak mehh~~tht y sygs abg..hahha:D:D satu pale gitu:P :)



Wednesday 16 November 2011


wahhh ..rnie paper sejarah..snad menakutkan..haishhh :3 seram mehh...haha...xpe3..yg pntg ak dh wt de best foe future ak..hehe...buttt...pas abz paper..lpk ame bff ak sat..wndu seyy dh lame xlepak..hehe...sape ag bff ak...awal la meh...satu pale gler2...haha!!!!kiteorg an dh cm skandal je at klas tu...ksh lak ak...yg pntg pale ak xserabutt..ngee~~pas je bual2 jp..ak pon bla..nk lik la..adehh...kelaparan kottt...smpai umh pe ag??andy then mkn n solat...ngee~~terbaikk la mehh.but..yg wt an ak kecewe leh lak btekak nan ijat..tah pape r..kalo dh benci ak pon jgn la wt ak cm smpah..xpe3..ak leh sbr ag coz ko xthu yg ne tol an??ko dh terpengaruh nan fakta yg tah mende2..sokey..abaikan wt mase skunk...haha!!luo epy..dlm cm nk barai dh nie.ha..pasal bff ak lak nie..bru je jp td lak awal tetibe text ak..haha..lame xtext tetibe text...haha..wndu la kottt...memey wndu ak dh phm snad awal..kalo text ak kompom ad bnde yg die nk tnye...nk thu psal pe??buku bank sape yg pgg...hahahah!!!cm ak nie pengetua skoa je nk tnye bnde tu...haha!!!ape pon xlehh...awal2...ngeee~~~pas spm ler bru lpk n cer2 cm sblom nie ek??xpe3...nt last paper geo..kite sme an awal??hahah!!!gler sudah...dh la..mlas nk tls pnjg2..nie pon crik2 update story..coz tgh stdy math la :P ##wishmegudluckfoetomMorrow##

Tuesday 15 November 2011


hola ma sygs2 sume :P ...smlm mmg dugaan tol..ak dh pts ame Izzat Syameer sdihh toll..sygs snad2..ak xthu r np pat snad still love you la..adehh :( buttt..sokeyy..satu ari nt bru kau thu kbnran nye...butt..rnie ag la wt ak png...leh lak terlibat nan cinta bersegi2..jd mgsa duk ak dh thu sape yg tol...sape yg slah...bru ak thu kau cm ne ek??tol la akp org 2 kau xleh kai...xpe3..tgu pas spm..kite settle f2f ea...haha...tgk sape yg goyang...haha..mlas dh nk libat nan kaki gduh nie..dh org wt hal nk wt cm ne an??post pone dulu later coming lik la dehhh...haha!!!baikk nye plan foe kau la mehh...jgn gigil kaku cm tiang leterik sudah...ngee~~n i hope she n he can be closed as before..xbaik kaco hbgn org...nt kne at kite ag bgnde2..perit mak oitt...bagai gase tmbul thu x??cermin dri ubh yg ne xtol..jgn tmbh musuh...take it as a lesson..grrr!!!plg xleh bla ak muleh nanes rnie..smlm cool rnie leh down..aiyakkk!!eiya come on la...focus foe ur future unly...gmaiii lg pgnti..kalo jdoh xkmane..tol x?? mbr ak nie ha...snggp menunggu sesuatu yg xpasti...haha!!!ak xkn nk ikot cm tu..mmg x la..nt move backword..bkn move forward kang...ngee~~dh la..mlas nk bebel pnjg2..mau stdy sejarah..sok paper sejarah..wish me gud luck aw..muahhhcx !!! <3 saya love same awak !!! haha ~~ i wish u here <3

Sunday 13 November 2011


muahhcx !! foe ma follower..spm??ouchhh!!!tommorow??cm xcaye je...haha!!butt tu kenyataan beb..aku nye pale biol..mbr2 len dh xun9..ak still ag un9 fb..ngee~~ape pon xlehh..dulik pe ak..haha!!ha..ptg td un9..tetibe tergerak mau comment status buddy at fb...xpnh pon tgur sape..xalih2 leh huru hara...nk thu sape yg ak duk huru hara?? Afeef Hamilton + FIras FathIry..duk ngarut je..tah pape..ngee~~  Afeef Hamilton nie kacak la gak..butt ak pgl die atokk..nie pon idea si kacak  FIras FathIry....haha..bnde nie tmbul coz age je...haha!!ape pon xlehh..butt atokk syg ak nie..pasan thp ghaban twin nye MILLER..aww aww <3 like it..chumill lol..ngee~~dh comment..trus leh jd geng ek??like it la..u ol sporting ame ak..lup u la  Afeef Hamilton + FIras FathIry <3 oppsss....terlebih sudah...:P kisah lak ak...nk lup at sape..tol x??haha!!!n i hope we can be more closed as a buddy..coz i dun want de epy was ending...i want we can be a buddy as long as we can !! muahhhcx !!hehe :P bling3 !! sygs atokkk @ twin MILLER + abg kacak ol can be ma hero??BFF ??hahaah~~gedik3 sudahh...kbaiii..xthu nk tls pe ag..yg pntg terbaikk lyn atokk n abg <3 it...awww !!so sweet :)

Thursday 10 November 2011


 hola ma follower <3 hehe :P ptg gaye aji..pkcik ak leh bkk story psal lpk2 pntai..coz bas free xad yg booking...pale otk pk lpk yg save ag??kota tinggi la..air tawar 1 mali...haha..plan baik nye..sume kelibut duk ciap..sume settle gerak r beb...tetibe ak bru psal dedet..haha..mati ak..xnk snad trun an kne gak trun..xlame pas2 dpt text dari DEDET..''nk trun air tawar ea?dh grak lom'' ak trus gigil..time tu bas dh grak dh..nk ilg an gelabah ak..ak  pon karok lyn abeh dlm bas gler la xnye family ak sume sportg gler.yeahhh!!haha..pas karok pkcik ak leh bkk cer lame2 lak..ak pe ag?pndh tmpt duk lpk belah blakang area kzen2 ag wt hal sndri la wey..butt gigil tetap ade.nk tito pon xaman....nsb baik la dedet g mancing..cuak tol time dh nk tibe air tawar..smpai je..dh tgh mlm kot...ak lpor xkire mencekik je..haha..mase yg same text gak dedet...smpai kul 2pg..ak dh bgang coz line at sne cm haram..ak pon duk tito..kul 8 bgn tgk fone textt dari dedet''im coming'' gler cuak ak..dh blik lak budak nie..pas break1 lpk dpur..ame boboi..tgk die kopek psg..dedet at pntu..ak pasan pon coz ak tnye boboi g bt.lyr x..die trus la..tu dedet g..pas2 senyum..ak dh plik..satgi dedet dh pndg ak..ape pon xlehh..sgn trus bla r...haha...time up..grak g bt.lyar la meh..ak ingt dedet xg..upe nye follow nek kete..haha..shengall..daulat snad..tyr meletup..ape pon xleh...haha...ak dh huru hara at pantai..best2...but same time gigil tgu dedet tibe..ending tibe gak bdk tu..haha...memey terbaikk r..untung ler..hajat dedet tercapai nk ak trun sane..shengall...buttxcm aunt n niece pon..gler la weyy-..jgn---the end----


salam to ol ma follower <3 haha..wey2..gaye la beb...haha~~ape pon xleh...gaye aji ritu memey xleh bla..sume kelam kabut..coz nenek ak xad g amik bapak die (moyang ak) at ne nie??nk gaye..chef ag??mkcik2..ank2 buah sume trun xtvti memasak la an??haha..terbaikkk la...elok2 yg xknl bnde2 alah nk wt masak leh knl...haha...shengal tol...butt...ending nye psal msak settle..pas msak pe ag??ak amekzen2 yg len duk mencekik la...plg plik kzen ak sowg nie..sng je telan ketupat cm 2 je.meant ketupat kosong..ak mkn twor seyy...xad feeling nk lyn...butt die leh syokk je lyn..ape pon xlehh kaka nie ek???haha..mlm gaye kompom ad pojek an??memey terbaikk la..pas je mkn sume strt wt pale gler..hahaha..function start la weyy..best2 !!like like..ak yg tgh tension pon lyn an je..memey lyn je pale gler2..haha..plg xleh bla ciap wt vid baikk punye..ak tgk lik vid tu memey xleh bla...cuak pon ad..mane xnye time wt ikot pale je..haha...pas wt vid tu kiteorg wtt pale gler wt vid len lyn pale pnye..memey gempakk la...ak tgk gelak non stop ak gase...main peranan je yg it la...mlm gaye plg gler wt ak..haha..pas je function pe ag??duk lik umh la..sleep time meh..sok an gaye..butt ak leh bgn tgh ari xnye..kul 2 pg bru leh tito.haha..teruk tol prgaii...bgn trus pegi andy..ciap2 then pegi umh nenek ak..mencekik..haha..lpak2 ame kzen....ptg pe ag??plan santai la..-----the end-----

Tuesday 1 November 2011


I’m feeling distracted
And likewise attracted
To all the things that you let me know
To all the things that you can’t let go
You’re waiting for friction
The empty addiction
Is forcing me to intervene
Let’s break out of this scene
I know I’m not alone
I’m not the only one who is broken
And I know I’ll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it’s you and I
You and I
I watch you take over
I’ll give you this offer
Take my hand and we will run away
Leave behind our past to stay
Decaying till its rotten
We’ll have long forgotten
The memories that will haunt your heart
Let’s tear this town apart
I know I’m not alone
I’m not the only one who is broken
And I know I’ll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it’s you and I
You and I
We watched the world go by
(But if it’s you and I)
Then we will never die
(No we can never die)
We watch the world go by
But if it’s you and I
Then we will never die
I know I’m not alone
I’m not the only one who is broken
And I know I’ll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it’s you and I
You and I
I know I’m not alone
I’m not the only one who is broken
And I know I’ll never let you go
I could watch the world pass by
Just as long as it’s you and I
You and I…